
In: File

Either a wholly new task (with file extension *.fdb) is initiated, or some already existing one is opened. The new task is initiated whenever the given file name is not found in the chosen directory .

No special save of the present task is performed during this procedure. We recommend you to close any subwindows before this menu item is clicked.

PragTic v.0.1.2 was unable to open a task, which was created in one directory and then moved to another one - the paths of data_vectors in data_base were absolute. There is no such restriction any more. You can move the whole task as you like, but be sure, that you are moving all the files of the task, not only the *.fdb.

If the task opened was defined in an older version of PragTic, the user is prompted to set a new task name, to which is the old data_base is converted. Do not state the same name.

Note: The task name is used for all files related to the task in the data_base. If there are more items of the same character (more result files, nodal sets, etc.) a mismatch would occur, if the file names would be the same. PragTic automatically appends an order number at the end of the task name in such a case. In order not to be confused when moving the tasks to another directory I recommend you to vary the names of different variants of any solved problem by an alphabet letter and not the number.

© PragTic, 2007

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